How to rig and save new clothes for GF9 AND Victoria 9

Before I start explaining: a big Thank You to the participants of the DAZ forum who helped me to solve the problem!

Without a "wall of words", I will start right away with the explanation (you will find the "wall" later on this page ;-)

The whole problem ultimately boils down to 2 points that you need to consider:

1. Avoid the "gender trap"

The best and easiest way to model clothing that will later fit the GF9 Base, Victoria 9 and all "dialed" GF9 shapes is to use the Genesis 9 Base character. (i.e. the one that shows up once you open the "Genesis 9" folder). When you have created your garment for Genesis 9 Base, you can import the object and use the "Transfer Utility" in the usual way to rig your work. Once you have saved the garment as a "Follower" you can use it with any GF9 character and shape you want.

Step by Step:

• Modell your garment to fit the Genesis 9 base character

• Load the Genesis 9 base character and import your garment

• Be sure that nothing is selected in the "Scene" pane and open the "Transfer Utility" (Main menu ➔ Edit ➔ Object ➔ Transfer Utility ...)

• Select "Genesis 9" as source and choose "Current" as "Item Shape" (Source). You maybe can use "Default" as "Item Shape", but the "Current" works for me well.

• Select your garment as "Target" ("Default" shape).

• Select a "Projection Template" like "Bodysuite Loose Template" or "Bodysuite Tight Template"

• Mark the option "Add Smoothing Modifier" and hit "Accept"

• Save your garment as a "Follower".

2. Avoid the G9 Bug (DAZ Version

Make sure that nothing is selected in the "Scene" pane before you start the "Transfer Utility"! The Studio App freezes or crashes when the imported garment is selected. This may be fixed in future Studio versions.

If you follow these two pieces of advice, you should have no problems creating your own clothes for GF9 models and Victoria 9.

Additional information

Although the above solution is simple, it took me days to find it. Conditioned to develop for GF8 (you know I. P. Pavlov: RingRing ➔ Saliva ;-)   I began my first attempts at designing clothes for Victoria 9 as usual: I used a GF9 shape to model the clothes, imported and rigged the modelled garment with the GF9 shape... and messed up every saved version when I used it with Victoria 9. The described BUG then gave me the rest ...

After days of headaches, botched attempts that consumed my hard drives and internet searches that left my PC fuming, I posted this thread on the DAZ forum How to rig and save new clothes for GF9 AND Victoria 9? ↗️ that finally led to the solution above.

Another thread that usually gets linked when people like me ask questions about rigging for GF9 is Genesis 9 clothing questions & answers ↗️. Although the thread contains good information, there are - as usual - many (partly not so interesting) words in it .... and one has to pick out the single important information somewhat laboriously.

If you find it strange to model clothes for GF9 with a gender-neutral model, you are not alone: Enchanted April has posted the thread Thoughts about modeling clothes for G9 ↗️.

Have you modelled a garment for GF9 and run into problems? There is a Youtube video by Josh Darling explaining how to convert the clothes for the Genesis 9 Base figure: Script for Updating Base Shape ↗️.
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