Grouping objects in DAZ

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Grouping objects in DAZ

If you have a scene with a backdrop and some people in front of it, you cannot move the camera around the people (unless you want to see the edges of the backdrop). Instead, you need to rotate the people in front of the camera. This is a good time to use the Studio's "Group" option.

1 : In the "Scene" pane, select all the objects that you want to belong to your new group.

2 : Using the main menu click on "Create" ➔ "New Group ...". A dialog box appears where you can change the name and/or label of your new group. Click "Accept" when you are done.

3 : Your new group now contains all selected objects. Once the group (in this example I changed the name to "Group of Objects") is selected, you can now use the settings in the "Posing" pane to rotate the group as a whole.

4 : You can edit any individual object of the group by simply expanding the group.
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