"Cum 4 All" - 3D Cum for all Genesis Versions and Genders

Picture showing Shape 'A' from 'Cum 4 All'

Shape "A" from "Cum 4 All"

Have you ever dreamed of 3D cum that you can drip on your favourite model's body wherever you want? Have you ever thought about nice render sessions with 3D sperm falling not only on the skin but also on clothes or hair? And all this valid for every model, every Genesis version and every gender?

Then you may come a little closer to your wishes with the "Cum 4 All" project.

"Cum 4 All" contains:

  • 8 different shape objects to simulate sperm drops. By combining materials and deformation morphs, each shape object can have at least 16 different appearances

  • each shape object comes with 4 "on skin" materials, 4 copies of these materials with neutralised colours and 2 "on cloth" materials. All materials are Iray only.

  • each Shape object comes with 3 deforming morphs that allow you to create: 1 base + 3 deformations x 4 colours = at least 16 variations per shape.

  • 2 Light Setup Scenes (Iray only!)

  • 4 usefull scripts

  • 3 simple 3D objects (Drop, Bubble and Squirt) as free addition

Picture showing 8 shape objects to simulate dropped 3D cum

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8 different shape objects to simulate 3D sperm drops

These 2D objects - in the form of blobs, drops or splashes - form the basis for the creation of 3D cum drops.

The basic use is explained in the section "Getting Started" below. The section "How to ... " contains much more information and tricks.

By combining different materials and deformation morphs, you can create at least 16 different appearances for each shape object. And with the regular options Scale and / or Rotate you get even more variations.
Picture showing some examples of 3D sperm materials

Click to enlarge in a new TAB

Skin and Cloth Materials

All materials are Iray only.

The first materials you see in the folder Cum4All ➔ Materials ➔ Iray are ment to use on skin or (dark) hair. They are arranged in groups of four and assigned to the Shape objects with the letters "A" to "G". I.e. the "A" materials belong to the "A" shape, the "B" materials to the "B" shape, etc.

Tip: The "Skin" material has a reddish/beige sheen that is sometimes visible on surfaces other than skin. In this case, use the neutral version of this material. Materials ➔ Iray ➔ On Other Objects

The folder "on Clothes" contains materials that you can use if you want to simulate sperm drops on fabric. Two materials are provided for each shape object.

The folder "on other Objects" contains copies of the basic materials with neutralised basic colours. You can use these materials if you want to drop 3D sperm on light hair, bright fabric, leather, sunglasses etc.

Further below you will find more information on the use of the materials.

Tip: If you have assigned a "real" material but want to reposition a shape, you can find the pure white material (for a better view) here: Xtras ➔ Simulation Behavior ➔ Base

Picture showing the 3 deforming morphs to get different sperm drops

Click to enlarge in a new TAB

Deforming Morphs and More

Each Shape object comes with a set of morphs divided into two categories and stored in two different folders:

Morph BEFORE Simulation
Here you will find three deforming morphs that give the selected shape a different appearance. These morphs are best used individually, as combinations of morphs with high values can destroy the shape. The best thing is to try it out yourself.

Morph AFTER Simulation
Here you can transform the simulated 2D shapes into 3D drops of sperm. You can use the bulge morphs individually or in combination. Just use them and see what happens.

Tip: You will also get some (very slightly) "deformations" by changing the Simulation Behavior: Xtras ➔ Simulation Behavior

The 3D objects

Without surface contact (i.e. dripped onto skin, clothing or hair), the shape objects do not look good ... or at least not as expected. That's why I added three simple 3D objects that can be used without surface contact - in other words: that simply fly through the air.

3D Squirt
I guess you know what that's for. The basic shape looks like a very straight stick - you can change that with a series of morphs (unfortunately I haven't figured out how to create bones in imported .obj's yet). With the included 3D object shaders you can change the appearance of the object according to your wishes.

3D Drop
If you want to create a drop scene, this object can be useful. You can use the shaders mentioned above to change the appearance of the drop. This object has some morphs, too.

3D Bubble
A simple sphere without morphs. You can use the usual scale methods to deform it. I used the 3D bubble to create segmented squirts.

Keep in mind: These objects (or better: the shaders) are designed to be used only without contact with other surfaces.

The Scripts

You can use these scripts (which you can find in the Xtras ➔ Scripts folder) to make positioning and simulation easier and to export objects faster.

Selected-Hide / -Show

In some situations, the target of the falling shape object may be hidden by another part of the model's body. Think of closed legs or a hand on the models belly.

Of course, you can try to bend/twist the body part to get an unobscured target area .... or you can simply hide the body part. This is done by using the "Selected-Hide" script.

Simply select the body part you want to hide in the "Scene" pane and double-click the "Selected-Hide" icon. The script hides not only the selected body part ("Node"), but also all its "Children" ("Child Nodes"). I.e. with a selected forearm, the script hides not only the forearm, but also the hand, fingers, etc.

When the simulation is complete, simply select the entire model in the "Scene" pane and double-click the "Selected-Show" icon. Hidden body parts will be displayed again. Or you can use - without any selection - the "Export Show All" script.

Export Hide All / Export Show All

Sometimes you want - or need - to export a shape object. To export objects with the Studio app, all other objects (except the one you want to export) must be hidden. Doing this in the "Scene" pane by clicking on all the eye icons can be very annoying. For this reason I have written the script "Export Hide All". Just select the shape object you want to export and double click on the script. Voila - everything except the selected shape is hidden.

You can use the "Export Show All" script without selection to display all objects again.

Using the Light Setup Scenes

You can find these scenes in the Xtras ➔ Iray Lighting Scenes folder. I usually share the lighting scenes I used for my promotional images. Unfortunately, this is not possible in this project, as the pictures were taken earlier ... and I deleted the scenes I used without a back up ... (Yeah, if you're calling me an moron now, maybe you're right ;-)

Simple Bed
This scene is from my project "theBriefs" ↗️ (but without the purple light).

If you like to change lighting, you should first open the "Scene" pane. Here you can turn the lights off or on by clicking on the eye icon. Just play around with this and watch what happens.

With a light source selected in the "Scene" pane you can use the "Parameters" pane for some fine tuning. Just expand the "Light" section and use the "Intensity" slider, to get more or less light emission from the source ligth.

Each of my scenes contains a special light source called "Move Light". This is a light emitting sphere that can be positioned anywhere you want ... and which will take your scene to new dramatic heights.

Simple Dunes
This scene is from my project "theSwimsuit" (not yet published)

"Simple Dunes" is based on a "Sun Sky Only" setting. I really like this setting because of the way the light (sun) is handled. What I really don't like is the pure blue sky. That's why I "invented" this "indoor scene with outdoor settings". I hope you like it.

To change the light (sun), switch to the Render Settings pane ➔ Environment. By using the "SS Latitude" and / or "SS Longitude" sliders you get wonderful lighting. This scene contains also two "Move Lights" (expained above).

Getting Started

To avoid an ultra-long HTML, I have put the "Getting Started" section on a new page. This page contains information and tricks on the basic use of the "Cum 4 All" package. The page will open in a new TAB. You can close this TAB at any time to return to this page.

I strongly recommend that you read the "Getting Started" section before purchasing this package as its use is significantly different from other products.

Getting Started ↗️

Known Issues (and possible Solutions)

Gaps after simulation

Even with sophisticated simulation settings, a simulated object will never follow all target contours or exchange space with the targets vertices. There will always be a small gap between the objects - sometimes even larger ones, if the shape objects span more complicated contours.

Possible solutions:
Most materials are designed with blurred edges. This avoids dark and visible shadows, where the gaps occur. Try to change the material. You can also "hide" the gaps by changing the camera position. A more frontal camera is better in most cases.

Shape objects slip / disappear during simulation

If the angle of the target area is not correct, the shape objects tend to slide downwards following gravity until they finally disappear.

Possible solution:
Try to align the target surface as parallel to the ground as possible. I.e. the target surface and the shape obekt should have a rotation of -90° (X-axis).

Shape objects look strange after changing the material

This happens when you assign a material that is not intended for the selected shape.

Possible solution:
Make sure that you always choose the right material for the selected shape. The letters "A" to "H" indicate the affiliation of material and shape.

A down-scaled shape object hovers above the target after simulation

This is part of what I call the "Fabric Problem". If you drape a piece of fabric on an irregular formed object, there will be gaps. Same goes with Cum 4 All - unfortunately with a more visible and more anoying effect.

Possible solution:
Try to move the simulated shape object slightly in the drop/gravity direction until it intersects with the target surface.

Keep also in mind: If you want to render a close-up, you can scale up the model instead of scaling down the shape objects.

A down-scaled shape object looks too bright

If you scale down an object, the texture map of this object is also compressed, i.e. the white, gray and black pixels of the image are recalculated. In most cases, this leads to a brighter look.

Possible solution:
Try the trick explained below in the "How to ..." section: Change the brightness of the materials

Keep also in mind: If you want to render a close-up, you can scale up the model instead of scaling down the shape objects.

Disturbed shape objects after the 2nd, 3thrd etc. simulation

This happens often, when you forget to set "Morph AFTER Simulation" morphs back to "0" before you start a new simulation. In this case the simulation process have to deal with an irregular formed object. This leads to unexpected and nasty results.

Possible solution:
Be sure to reset all "Morph AFTER Simulation" morphs to "0" before you start a new simulation.

Shaders can not be assigned to 3D or Shape objects

This sometimes happens when only the 3D object / the Shape, but not its Material Group in the "Surface" pane is selected, .

Possible solution:
If you want to assign a shader, make sure you have selected both the object and its material group in the "Surface" pane. The material group is selectable directly under the object (you may have to expand it).

Black or dark-red artefacts in the render (preview and final render)

What you see are parts of the shape object's edges. Even with a 100% transparency, Iray tends to render those edges when they intersect with other objects / visible materials.

Possible solution:
You can try the "Lower Edges" morph (Surface Pane ➔ Morph AFTER Simulation) and / or move the simulated shape object slightly. The best way to get rid of those artefacts is to do some image editing after rendering.

Distorted objects after the first simulation

This happens when the drop angle is not perfect and the shape slips on the target. Due to the special "Simulation Behaviour" settings (for experts: no self-collision), the vertices of the shape are folded together, which leads to a strange appearance.

Possible solution:
Try to align the target surface as parallel to the ground as possible (as explained above).

Angular appearance of the shape objects after simulation

I like to call this the "Corrugated board" look. The simulation algorithm uses the lowest resolution of the target object to calculate the appearance of the dropped shape. If you switch the viewport to "Wire Texture Shaded" you see what is meant: the bold black lines of the model (this is the basic resolution) correspond to the lines of the shape.

Possible solution:
You can increase the Parameters pane ➔ Mesh Smoothing ➔ "Smoothing Iterations" slightly (best done in single steps), until the angular appearance disappears or is at least smoothed out better.

You can also try the Xtras ➔ Simulation Behavior presets "Flow more" or "Flow Xtreme". Both presets give the shape objects an extra portion of "liquefaction", but also sometimes lead to distortions.

Eyelashes, Nipples or other parts of the model poke through the simulated shape

When the simulation algorithm has to deal with only a few vertices, these errors occur. The eyelashes, for example, have only 464 vertices in the basic resolution. That is too little for a good simulation.

Possible solution:
If the bulge morphs from the "Morph AFTER Simulation" folder do not help, you can try to raise the simulated shape a little.

See through the bottom of a shape object when rendered

When you use a camera angle that is too flat or have a scene with multiple shape objects dropped in different directions you may see through the bottom of some shapes.

Possible solutions:
a) Use more "frontal" camera positions ("en face") if possible

b) Use the "Solid" Material. This is the most "opaque" surface material

c) Decrease the "Morph AFTER Simulation" morphs (when used)

d) Try to move the simulated shape object slightly in the drop/gravity direction until it intersects with the target surface.

A simulated shape is destroyed when the position of the model is changed

As mentioned in the "Getting started" section, the simulated shape objects are bound to the pose of the model. Even if you have parented the shape to the model, the model cannot be repositioned without destroying the simulated shape object.

Possible solution:
You always have to decide which pose the model should take before you start the simulation.


Is this product "experts only"?

No, not really. OK - if you have never moved and positioned an object in 3D space before, this can be irritating. But with the simple "Toogle View" trick (as explained in the "Getting started" section) you will get through this quickly. Other things like using scenes, lights and cameras are explained in this manual.

The really hardest part is: Take your time! Working on a scene is - in most cases - very stimulating and you want to see the finished rendering quickly. This leads to good, but not perfect, results in most cases.

Is the product limited to a specific Gen. version or model?

No. You can use "Cum 4 All" with all Gen. versions, all Models and all Genders. The Studio version should be at least 4.12 (higher is better).

Can I use "Cum 4 All" with the new G9 models (2022)?

Yes. Like said before you can use this package with any Genesis version - even future ones like G10, G20, G50 etc.

Are there no 3Delight materials?

Unfortunately not. I tried to create some, but I didn't manage to do it. Therefore, I decided to make a Special Agreement for this product.

Can I use "Cum 4 All" even if I don't have an Nvidia graphics card?

Yes, you can. But be aware that rendering takes considerably more time. What takes only minutes with an Nvidia card, takes hours without it.

Can I really drop the objects everywhere and on every thing?

Yes, you can! The final result depends only on the quality of the target object, the possibilities of the studio simulation algorithm... and your will to come to terms with the limitations (see "Known issues").

Are the promo images edited?

Nope. What you see are the final renderings without any post-processing in an image editor. I didn't even edit the artifacts that are visible in one or two pictures (caused by a hair cap).

Why do you use Shaders instead of Materials?

This avoids the "export/re-import" trap of the Studio app. If a scene contains several objects of the same type (e.g. 3 shape objects "A") and one of them is exported / reimported, the material group of this object will be destroyed. No material can be assigned to a destroyed material group ... but a shader can.

Can I use this product on a MAC?

Unfortunately, I don't have a MAC and don't know anyone who does. From what I've seen so far, there seem to be some general problems with the DAZ versions and the MAC OS. Therefore, I can unfortunately not recommend this product for MAC users.

Is my PC fast enough to use this product?

I have written an illustrated article that you can use to compare the simulation times. This can help you decide if you want to buy this product: Comparison of simulation time ↗️

... Rotate a simulated Shape object together with the model

You have to "parent" the shape to follow rotation and positioning of the model:

• Switch to the "Scene" pane and locate the Shape object

• Right click the object and select "Change [Shape Object] Parent ..."

• Select your model (usually at the top of the list) and "Accept"

The Shape object is now "parented" and will follow the rotation of the model.

... Create good close ups

Instead of scaling down the shape object (which will lead to the issues desccribed above) simply scale up the model, until the regular size of the shape object fits the model and your idea.

... Change the brightness of the materials

Sometimes you may think that the materials are too light on the skin or maybe too dark when you use them on clothes. Instead of fiddling with the base colors etc. you can try to change the "Cutout Opacity" and / or the "Diffuse" settings.

With the shape object selected in the "Scene" pane switch to the "Surfaces" pane. Make sure that both - the object and its material group - are also selected in this pane.

Scroll down the list until you find the "Cutout Opacity". Slightly decrease the value and look what happens.

When you dropped 3D cum on clothes, this may not be enough. Scroll up to the "Diffuse Overlay Weight" and change the value. You can also try to change the "Diffuse Overlay Color": click between the values and pick a color of your choice.

... Change the opacity of the materials

Sometimes You may think that the materials could be more opaque. Although this is largely controlled by the texture maps, you can change the opacity a bit:

With the shape object selected in the "Scene" pane switch to the "Surfaces" pane. Make sure that both - the object and its material group - are also selected in this pane.

Scroll down the list until you find the "Refraction Weight". Slightly decrease the value and look what happens.

If you want less opacity you can also use the "Cutout Opacty" by slightly decreasing the value.

... Drop shapes with different angles

It's fun to drop 3D sperm with the same angle for all shape objects (as shown in the "Getting Started" section). But it's more fun - and unfortunately more complicated - to place the shape objects on body parts with different angles. Think of a sitting pose (perhaps on a chair) where you want to drop objects on the chest, but also on the thighs.

There are several options - from complicated to more complicated to mega complicated. I will show you the "simplest" variant of it. Since this is a larger, illustrated step-by-step example, I've put it on a new page:

Drop shapes with different angles ↗️

The other options are to export/re-import the shapes after simulation or to create morphs depending on the simulated shape. Both options are more complicated than the one shown. If you are curious, try the following internet searches for more information:

daz 3d save simulation
save dforce as morph for a specific pose

... Drop shape objects on covered body parts

Sometimes you may want to drop 3D sperm on a body part that is covered by another body part. Imagine a pose where the model's hand lies on the stomach - and you want to drop a shape on the belly, but not on the hand.

In this case - and in other, similar cases - you can use the "Selected Hide" script (Xtras ➔ Scripts ➔ Selected-Hide). Select the covering body part and double-click the script. The body part is hidden and therefore not recognized by the simulation algorithm.

After the simulation you can use the "Selected-Show" script or - without a selection - the "Export-Show-All" script to make the hidden body part visible again.

... Drop shape objects on hair

This is done in the same way as placing 3D sperm on the skin (see "Getting Started"). If the reddish / beige shimmer of the "Skin" material bothers you, you can use the neutralized version of the material: Materials ➔ Iray ➔ On Other Objects

Tip: After the simulation you can use the "Hair Strand" morphs or slightly move the shape object down. Both options ensure that parts of the Shape object are hidden by hair strands - which often results in a more realistic rendering

Dealing with dForce Hair

When you place a shape object on dForce hair, the hair is "ironed" (flattened). This sometimes looks really good ... and sometimes less realistic.

If you are not convinced of the simulation result, you can try the following:

Select the dForce Hair in the "Scene" pane.

Switch to Main Menu ➔ Edit ➔ Object ➔ Geometry and use the option "Remove dForce Modifier".

Now you can use the hair like non-dForce hair.

Special agreement for 2D artists

3Delight Artists
I tried for several days (or weeks?) to get it to work with 3Delight materials, but I messed up every time I tried. There seems to be a big lack of experience (myself), because I've seen really good 3Delight renderings.

So if you are a 3Delight artist and want to create your own materials, feel free to share, distribute, or even sell them as long as you provide them as Add-On. This means: your own package must not contain any components such as objects, graphics, texture maps, etc. from the "Cum 4 All" package.

Iray Artists
If you want to create more, better or different materials like - for example - blood, slime or (why not?) cream, jelly or hot chocolate, feel free to share, distribute, or even sell them as long as you

a) leave the original materials untouched
b) provide them as Add-On. This means: your own package must not contain any components such as objects, graphics, texture maps, etc. from the "Cum 4 All" package.

Where's the package's content?

If you have chosen to install the package via DIM (DAZ Installation Manager), you will find the package here:
My DAZ 3D Library ➔ Props ➔ Pushee-Ri ➔

Cum4All ▼ 8 different shapes

Materials ➔ Iray ▶ Skin materials for the Shapes (Iray only!)
   ➔ on Clothes ▶ Cloth materials for the Shapes (Iray only!)
   ➔ on other Objects ▶ copies of the Skin materials with neutralised basic colours (Iray only!)

Xtras ▼

3D Objects ▶ the 3D objects and shaders

Iray Lighting Scenes ▶ 2 light setups (Iray only!)

➔ SubSets ▶ some objects used in the lighting scenes

Simulation Behavior ▶ Presets to control the Simulation Behavior

Simulation Helper ▶ 2 scripts


After you have downloaded the files (a .zip file, some .txt files and maybe other files), I recommend that you make a backup copy of the files and save them in another folder or on a USB stick or something similar. I also recommend opening the download directory in a file explorer window, because later you will need to copy some files from this folder to another folder.

Installation can be done in two ways: using DIM - the "Daz Install Manager" - or manually.
Installing third-party packages with DIM (DAZ Install Manager)

Click on the image to enlarge and zoom it in a separate TAB

Installing with DIM

1 : Open the DIM application, find the gear icon in the upper right corner and click on it.

2 : Select "Basic Settings ..." in the pop-up menu.

3 : The "Basic Settings" dialog box appears, where you can see several paths used by DIM. You will need the "Package Archive" as this is the folder where DIM temporarily stores the files to be installed. Click the path next to "Package Archive" to open the directory in a new File Explorer window.

4 : Now copy the .zip file from the download window and paste it into the DIM file explorer window ("Package Archive") you just opened. Use the "Copy and Paste" method instead of moving the files, because DIM "gobbles" files that are in the "Package Archive" folder.

Keep in mind: Do not unzip the .zip file, but copy the zip container as it is.

5 : Switch to the "Ready to Install" tab of the DIM. If the product you want to install is not displayed, click the "Refresh" icon (two curved arrows in the upper right corner).

6 : On the "Ready to Install" tab, select the product you want to install and click the "Start Queue" button in the lower left corner. The product will be installed and can be found here: My DAZ 3D Library ➔ Props ➔ Pushee-Ri ➔ Cum4All (see above)
Installing third-party packages manually

Click on the image to enlarge and zoom it in a separate TAB

Manual installation (PC)

1 : Unzip the .zip file and keep the File Explorer window open. Expand the "Content" folder with a double click.

2 : Locate the "My DAZ 3D Library" folder and open it. The easiest way is to open the DAZ Studio application, select the "My DAZ 3D Library" entry, right-click on it and choose "Browse to Folder Location ..." from the context menu.

Tipp: If you want to install the package to the "My Library" folder instead of the "My DAZ 3D Library" folder, you can use the technique described above. Simply select the "My Library" entry and invoke the context menu.

3 : A new File Explorer window will open showing the contents of the "My DAZ 3D Library" directory. If you compare the .zip folder with the library folder, you will notice that some directories are the same ("data", "Runtime", "Props"). These directories will be merged in step 4.

4 : Switch to the File Explorer window that displays the unzipped .zip file. Select and copy the "data", "Documentation", "Props" and "Runtime" folder.

Now switch to the File Explorer window where your DAZ library is displayed and paste the folders you just copied.

Close the DAZ Studio application and start it again. The product can be found here: My DAZ 3D Library ➔ Props ➔ Pushee-Ri ➔ Cum4All (see above)

Cum 4 All: EULA

In case you missed it - here is the "Cum 4 All" End User License Agreement (EULA).

"Cum 4 All", Copyright (c) by Pushee-Ri 2022. All Rights reserved.

By purchasing the "Cum 4 All" package by Pushee-Ri you agree to the following terms of use:

1) This Product is provided "as is" without waranty of any kind. The Product (incl. DIM/manual installation) has been successfully tested on several PCs.

2) You are allowed to share, distribute or sell the following products created by using "Cum 4 All": Pictures, Illustrations, Graphic Novels, Videos and Games. If you would like to support my work, you can mention the product name and / or the author.

3) You are allowed to share, distribute or sell your self-created surface materials as long as you leave the original materials untouched and provide your surface materials as Add-On. This means: Your own package MUST NOT contain components such as objects, graphics, etc. from "Cum 4 All" package (as listed in the "FILES" section of the readme.txt).

4) You are NOT ALLOWED to share, distribute or sell the "Cum 4 All" package in whole or parts of it.

Pushee-Ri, December 2022

Personal remarks

A hard and rocky road to this final version. The first attempts (a long time ago) with real 3D drops resulted in something like a strange pizza after the simulation. The next hurdles were the materials and - to put it diplomatically - the *#!!#***###!!!! peculiarities of the studio app.

The previous version (which I used for the promos) wasn't bad, but pushed my PC to its limits while simulating - the most sluggish performance I've ever seen. I hope you enjoy this comparatively fast-paced and final version.

Happy dropping!


A huge thank you to Meipe and his great "Golden Palace" and "Dicktator". Well done and inspiring I really, really like his work.

I am a big fan of short hairstyles. Thanks to WindField for "Carla". Special thanks to AprilYSH for "Voss". Even it is not a really short hairstyle I really love it.
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